Tuberculosis ganglionar cervical pdf

Tuberculosis vertebral cervical y lumbar no contigua. Tuberculosis ganglionar periferica en pediatria sociedad. Tuberculosis, adenopatias, cuello, micobacteria, linfadenitis. Pdf tuberculosis ganglionar cervical simulando una enfermedad.

Lymphadenopathy ld is a common clinical presentation in outpatient departments. We report the case of a 5 year old boy, sent because he presented cervical adenopathy and fistula which was manifested by pus discharge, which was diagnosed as lymph node tuberculosis so it was treated with anti tuberculosis drugs. Lymph node tuberculosis is the first form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in those countries with low incidence of this disease. Miliary tuberculosis tb refers to clinical disease resulting from hematogenous dissemination of mycobacterium tuberculosis. The national institute of respiratory diseases iner is an important reference center for tuberculosis. The term miliary tb was originally a pathologic and. It comprises 15 to 20% of all tuberculosis cases, and affects organs located outside the lung. It is more frequent in women and in the cervical location. Miguel alberto rodriguezperez1, fernando aguirregarcia2. To show the frequency of cervical ganglio nar tuberculosis and its. Tuberculosis ganglionar 30 40% tuberculosis genitourinaria, pleural, meningea, osea, cutanea, miliar.

In india and some other developing countries, tuberculosis tb is the first differential diagnosis for a patient who presents with chronic lymph node enlargement 46. We report the case of a 5 year old boy, sent because he presented cervical adenopathy and fistula which was manifested by pus discharge, which was diagnosed as lymph node tuberculosis so it was treated with antituberculosis drugs. Pleural and ganglionar extrapulmonary tuberculosis are the most frequent forms, followed by genitourinary tuberculosis, symptoms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis depend on the affected organ. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Tuberculosis ganglionar cervical simulando una enfermedad scielo. Seminars in respiratory and critical care medicine, 2008. It is a cause of concern for the patient and physician alike even in the absence of symptoms. The term miliary was coined in 1700 by john jacobus manget, who likened the appearance of the involved lung to millet seeds, with its surface covered with small, firm white nodules.